How to Edit Company's General Settings
One of the first things to do as an administrator is customize your General Settings to better suit your organization. General Settings include the ability to:
- Customize your Date & Time Settings.
- Customize preferred Time Off Labels such as "Vacation Days", "Sick Days", "EDO", "Unpaid Leave", etc. Choose which options you want to use by toggling the "Enable" button. You have up to five additional options to use.
- Choose if you want unused days to rollover into the new calendar year or not by toggling the "Carry Over" button.
- If there is a maximum allowed carry over per year, fill in the amount in the Max Carry Over column.
- Set a date to have the system force employees to update/confirm their profile information.
- Outline how Employee Benefits are provided including values and % of coverage for individuals, couples, and families.
- Add any additional Employment Perks your employees receive such as a gym membership, etc.
- Outline additional Paid Benefits such as EI, CPP, WCB, Stat holidays, etc.
- Click the blue SAVE SETTINGS button to save your changes.