Administrators / Executives / Directors / Managers / Manage Employees / Explore the People Section / Add Time Off (ie Vacation, Sick Days, etc) on Behalf of an Employee
How to Add Vacation/Sick Days, etc for an Employee Click the expand arrow to view full screen.
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click the name of the person you want to add vacation/sick days for.
- Click on the VACATION tab.
- In the REQUEST TIME OFF section, fill in the Time Off details:
- Start/End date for the time off
- Type (See note below if you want to change these type titles for your company)
- Number of hours
- Notes (optional)
- Click the blue + to add another day/set of days
- You will now see these entries in the TIME OFF section with the Status "Pending".
- Select the day(s) you want to approve.
- Under "SELECTED", select APPROVED from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll down and SAVE EMPLOYEE.
- The day(s) you just added are now approved for the employee.