Administrators / Executives / Directors / Managers / Manage Employees / Explore the People Section / Add a Private Note to Employee Profile
Notes allow anyone above the employee in the org chart to add relevant notes to their profile. Whether there is a specific incident, a conversation or something general you want to keep track of – adding dates, details into a note and saving it to the employee profile keeps track of important information that may be useful to have during Performance Reviews.
How do I add a Private Note to an Employee?
Notes would only be viewable by Administrator or users above the employee in the org chart. The employee will NEVER have access to their personal Notes.
How do I add new Note Categories?
Administrators will have the ability to add new Note Categories in Settings.
How do I add a Private Note to an Employee?
Notes would only be viewable by Administrator or users above the employee in the org chart. The employee will NEVER have access to their personal Notes.
- Log in to ContrastHR.
- Click on the black People button from the Top Menu.
- In the middle of your screen select the employee Name you want to add a Note to.
- Just below the Manage Employee there are several blue tabs, General, Employment, Compensation, Vacation, Timesheet, Assets & Allowances, Qualifications, Attachments, Notes… click on Notes.
- The middle of your screen will change.
- On the far right of your screen, click on the blue +Note button.
- The middle of your screen will change.
- Fill in Note Details.
- Under Settings make sure to select the Note Category (From drop-down menu select from Conversation, Incident report, or General), assign Note Date and set the Status.
- Scroll down and click on the blue Save Employee.
How do I add new Note Categories?
Administrators will have the ability to add new Note Categories in Settings.
- Click on Settings in the top menu.
- Click on the System Tags section.
- Scroll down under the Company column to Employee Notes.
- Type the category you want to add into the box and press Return/Enter on your keyboard to lock it in. It will turn blue and be added below the field you just entered it into.
- Remember to click the blue Save Settings button to save your changes.