Administrators / Executives / Directors / Managers / Manage Employees / Explore the People Section / Archive or Delete an Employee
This video walks you through the experience of letting an employee go. You may want to take intermediate steps before you archive them if you still want to access their information to run a report to verify their vacation balance, etc.
Intermediate Steps for an Administrator (So you can still run final reports)
Once you are ready to Archive an Employee:
Intermediate Steps for an Administrator (So you can still run final reports)
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click on the name of the employee you are dismissing/firing.
- Under the General tab, click on the green EDIT DETAILS button.
- Before changing their status to Archived, you may want to do the following three things:
- Change their Email Notifications to 'Off'.
- Change their Password.
- Change their Account type to 'Employee' (if it isn't already).
- Now you can run a final report (For example, a Time Off Report to confirm their final vacation balance) before you set their Status to "Archived".
- Once you have done any final reporting, you can go back to their Profile / General tab / Edit Details and change their Status to "Archived".
- Scroll down and Save Employee.
Once you are ready to Archive an Employee:
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click on the name of the employee you would like to delete/archive.
- Under the General tab, click on the green EDIT DETAILS button.
- Under the Status heading, select ‘Archived’ or ‘Delete’.
- Choose ‘Archived’ if you would like any future access to this employee’s data.
- Choose ‘Delete’ to remove the employee permanently.
- Scroll down and Save Employee.
- You will now have access to this employee under People / Archived Employees (blue button on the left of your screen).