Administrators / Executives / Directors / Managers / Assets & Allowances / Add, Edit, or Search Assets or Allowances
To Add Asset:
To Edit Asset:
To Search Assets:
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click the green + ASSET button under Assets & Allowances in the left menu.
- Enter all applicable information such as name, description, make, serial number, color, status, valuation, amortization details.
- Set the Status (Active or Archived).
- Upload a photo if you have one.
- Include any applicable searchable tags.
- Remember to Save Asset.
To Edit Asset:
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click the blue ACTIVE button under Assets & Allowances in the left menu.
- Edit any applicable information such as name, description, make, serial number, color, status, valuation, amortization details.
- Set the Status (Active or Archived).
- Upload a photo if you have one.
- Include any applicable searchable tags.
- Remember to Save Asset.
To Search Assets:
- Click into your EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT / PEOPLE section.
- Click the blue ACTIVE button under Assets & Allowances in the left menu.
- Use the search filters at the top of each column to type in a specific search to sort the results.
- You can also click on the column name (ie. Name, Make, Model, etc to sort the report from A-Z or Z-A based on that column).